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Flusskreuzfahrt (13)Mekong (15)Rhein (50)Südsee
    ‐ Anzeige ‐
    Milan - Lake Como - Milan - MANTUA - VALDARO - Vero...
    Stop off in Milan, the fashion capital, to explore the city and nearby Lake Como before setting off on your cruise. From Mantua to Venice, enjoy a unique cruise through the heart of three Italian regions. Your trip starts with the region of Emilia-Romagna and its traditional cuisine. Lombardy welcom...
    ab € 2.029,00  p.P. für 8 Tage  *
    Venice - MANTUA - VALDARO - Verona(1) - OSTIGLIA - ...
    From Mantua to Venice, enjoy a unique cruise. Lombardy welcomes you with its breathtaking and varied panoramas. You'll visit unique cities such as romantic Mantua. Finally, the region of Veneto opens its doors and invites you to discover Venice, famous Saint Mark's Square and Doge's Palace, the...
    ab € 1.449,00  p.P. für 6 Tage  *
    Vacation at the center of the action during the Venice Carnival, where history and romance mingle within the labyrinth of canals and mysterious side streets. Follow Casanova's footsteps and discover the passionate, intriguing secrets within La Serenissima. During exclusive tours, discover the renown...
    ab € 1.179,00  p.P. für 4 Tage  *
    Get ready for the magic of Christmas on this pre-holiday cruise in Italy and Sicily Naples has historical monuments and archaeological sites, while the Aeolian Islands are in a league of their own. This romantic cruise includes visits to the ancient theater in Taormina, with Mount Etna as the backdr...
    ab € 2.019,00  p.P. für 7 Tage  *
    VENICE - CHIOGGIA (or surroundings) - VENICE - Bura...
    Embark on a magical cruise in the heart of Venice to celebrate Christmas. Visit Venice and its famous landmarks such as San Marco Square and the Doge's Palace. You will also have the chance to attend Christmas mass in Venice. Do not miss out on towns with unique architecture such as Padua, stret...
    ab € 969,00  p.P. für 4 Tage  *
    From Venice to Mantua, enjoy a unique cruise. The region of Veneto opens its doors and invites you to discover Venice, famous Saint Mark's Square and Doge's Palace, the official residence of Venetian dukes. Lombardy welcomes you next with its breathtaking and varied panoramas. You'll visit uniq...
    ab € 1.449,00  p.P. für 6 Tage  *
    Climb aboard an unforgettable cruise leaving from Naples, where each port of call transports you to another place and another time. Explore antique ruins in Pompeii and Herculaneum. Meander along the picturesque streets of Naples' Old Town.  Chill and admire the stunning scenery of Vulcano, Lip...
    ab € 2.019,00  p.P. für 7 Tage  *
    Set off on a cruise to experience quintessential Venice. Dive into the art of gondola and mask making. Indulge in fine Venetian cuisine and enjoy authentic cicchetti at the edge of the Grand Canal. Find some respite from bustling Venetian life on the charming island of Burano. To top it all off, dis...
    ab € 474,50  p.P. für 5 Tage  *
    From Venice to Mantua, enjoy a unique cruise through the heart of three Italian regions. The region of Veneto opens its doors and invites you to discover Venice, famous Saint Mark's Square and Doge's Palace, the official residence of Venetian dukes. Lombardy welcomes you next with its breathtak...
    ab € 2.069,00  p.P. für 8 Tage  *
    If you have dreamed of admiring Venice from a gondola, standing in Saint Mark’s Square, or indulging in the fine food found on almost every corner, join CroisiEurope for a cruise through the calm waters and enchanting panoramas in the Venetian Lagoon. This history-filled cruise includes a side...
    ab € 735,00  p.P. für 4 Tage  *
    Set off on a cruise to experience quintessential Venice. Dive into the art of gondola and mask making. Indulge in fine Venetian cuisine and enjoy authentic cicchetti at the edge of the Grand Canal. Find some respite from bustling Venetian life on the charming island of Burano. To top it all off, dis...
    ab € 660,00  p.P. für 5 Tage  *
    Discover Venice at your own pace on a cruise aboard a floating hotel ideally located in the heart of the city. Soak up the enchanting atmosphere while enjoying complete freedom to organise your day, with half-board included. Venice, the city of canals, offers a multitude of possibilities for travell...
    ab € 699,00  p.P. für 5 Tage  *
    Set off on a cruise to experience quintessential Venice. Dive into the art of gondola and mask making. Indulge in fine Venetian cuisine and enjoy authentic cicchetti at the edge of the Grand Canal. Find some respite from bustling Venetian life on the charming island of Burano. To top it all off, dis...
    ab € 945,00  p.P. für 5 Tage  *
    Discover works in all shapes and sizes throughout Venice. Begin the trip at the fabulous Scuola Grande di San Rocco, a treasure trove of stunning works by Tintoretto and several of his assistants. Captivating frescoes transport us to the epic time known as the Venetian Renaissance. In Burano, learn ...
    ab € 1.089,00  p.P. für 5 Tage  *

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      Kontrastreich, alle Horizonte übersteigend und voller Paradoxien – Angola ist eine vom Tourismus weitgehend unerschlossene Schönheit. Das Land besticht mit spektakulären Landschaften, einer reichen Geschichte, lebendigen Traditionen und einem tropisch-afrikanischen Lebensgefühl, das Besucher augenbl...
      ab € 7.550,00  p.P. für 17 Tage  *
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      ab € 5.700,00  p.P. für 16 Tage  *
      Douro-Flussreise Exklusiv-Charter im Douro-Tal und Portugals UNESCO-Welterbe-Stätten (2024/2025)
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