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Flusskreuzfahrt (13)Mekong (15)Rhein (50)Südsee
    ‐ Anzeige ‐
    Portugal and Spain will unveil their treasures along a unique cruise over the Douro. Discover Porto, a city full of charm where its heritage is perfectly combined with the modern, cosmopolitan and intimate at the same time. You will visit the charming city of Lamego where breath-taking landscapes of...
    ab € 1.315,00  p.P. für 7 Tage  *
    Portugal and Spain will unveil their treasures along a unique cruise over the Douro. Discover Porto, a city full of charm where its heritage is perfectly combined with the modern, cosmopolitan and intimate at the same time. You will visit the charming city of Lamego where breath-taking landscapes of...
    ab € 1.429,00  p.P. für 7 Tage  *
    Embark on a cruise through the heart of authentic Portugal and explore beautiful and unspoilt areas such as the Douro Nature Park and the Portuguese vineyards. Our hiking and walking programs offer you the opportunity to contemplate the natural beauty of these magical places. Far from the hustle and...
    ab € 1.989,00  p.P. für 7 Tage  *
    PORTO - REGUA - VEGA DE TERON (Spain) - Salamanca -...
    Immerse yourself in the festive and warm atmosphere of Portugal and Spain where you will discover a unique way of life. You will visit Porto, a subtle mixture of modernity and history famous for its wine, or Salamanca and its cathedral, Spain's "golden city". It has a rich architectura...
    ab € 1.179,00  p.P. für 5 Tage  *
    PORTO - REGUA - PINHAO - VEGA DE TERRON - Salamanca...
    Visit Spain and Portugal connected by the Golden River. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Douro opens its doors where you will discover terraced vineyards, typical villages, quintas and their wines all along the river. Explore Salamanca, named as “the small Rome” classified Wor...
    ab € 1.525,00  p.P. für 7 Tage  *
    Cruise from Lisbon to Leverinho via Coimbra, Porto, Vila Real and Salamanca, you will discover the magnificent cities along our cruise. You will visit Porto and its famous wine route as well as Lisbon. The Portuguese capital has managed to find the subtle balance between its past heritage and modern...
    ab € 1.659,00  p.P. für 7 Tage  *
    Douro-Flussreise Exklusiv-Charter im Douro-Tal und Portugals UNESCO-Welterbe-Stätten (2024/2025)
    ab € 6.120,00  p.P. für 11 Tage  *
    Cruise in the heart of Portugal and the Douro Valley. You'll have the chance to explore Lamego, city rich in heritage and tradition, or Guimarães considered the beating heart of Portugal. You will also be amazed by the striking history of the tram museum in Porto or the wine cellars along Vila ...
    ab € 875,00  p.P. für 5 Tage  *
    As a family, immerse yourself in the heart of the festive and warm atmosphere of Portugal and Spain where you can discover a unique way of life. You will visit Porto, a subtle mixture of modernity and history famous for its wine, or Salamanca and its cathedral, Spain's "golden city". It has a rich a...
    ab € 1.179,00  p.P. für 5 Tage  *

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      Alaskas Naturparadiese mit Kenai-Halbinsel
      Alaska, auch die „Letzte Grenze“ genannt, ist schon immer eines der Highlights für Abenteuerreisende gewesen. Mit dem zum Overland-Fahrzeug umgebauten amerikanischen Schulbus reisen Sie auf wenig frequentierten Straßen durch die einsame Wildnis.
      ab € 4.760,00  p.P. für 20 Tage  *
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      Fels und Eis – Wasser und Wind
      Patagonien ist einzigartig in seiner Wildheit und Schönheit. Sie erkunden die schroffen und zugleich malerischen Landschaften bei zwei Mehrtagestrekkings in Argentinien an den berühmten Felsnadeln Cerro Torre und Fitz Roy sowie im Torres-del-Paine-Nationalpark in Chile. Eisbedeckte Gipfel, Gletscher...
      ab € 5.490,00  p.P. für 19 Tage  *
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      Höhepunkte der Andenstaaten
      Erleben Sie die Faszination Südamerikas und lernen Sie die Besonderheiten der drei Länder kennen. Ob trockene Hochwüsten, farbenfrohe Lagunen oder geschichtsträchtige Ruinenstätten – ein Höhepunkt folgt auf den anderen.
      ab € 4.690,00  p.P. für 17 Tage  *
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